Are calling people, claiming to work for Microsoft—they don’t. They want to know details about your computer, and as much personal information as they can get.
Don’t give them the time of day, literally.
One called me, identified herself. Me, delightedly: “Oh, you’re one of those scam artists!” She: (anxiously): “Where you hear dat?”
Ha! Glad to hear you weren’t taken in.
Silly mahe, tricks are for kif!
Consider that excellent riposté appropriated.
I got a call, too, at 8 a.m. of a Saturday morning. My mom knows my sleeping habits, and doesn’t call me “socially” out of “business hours” since when I’m awakened from a sound sleep by the telephone ringing, I tend to jump to the conclusion that it’s her calling me from the Emergency Room about my dad. Needless to say, Mr. Microsoft scammer got pretty short shrift from yrs. trly.
Is this the one where they claim your computer has a virus and they can tell you how to fix it? From what I see on another forum I hang out on, these can be great fun to lead on and pretend you’re going along with them, right up until you tell them you (a) don’t own a computer or (b) don’t use Windows…lots of possibilities here 😀
I haven’t gotten one of those calls in a year, I guess. They always have a very thick foreign accent; Indian I think. They usually tell me my computer is running slow. I ask how they know this. They tell me about malware. I say I haven’t noticed any slowdown, and so on. After a while I tell then I use Linux, . 🙂 I never get to tell them I made it myself, so I know what’s in it and what the security risks are. Mission accomplished–I kept them from preying on some other unsuspecting soul for 5 minutes. 😉
Repeat after me (to them): “Sukkaok sstaktikk’ khiskkokkit kakkif skkanou ukifkakk titiap’t sga’kt utk hasit akkhtisakkeg shasa sfokokkhtakt ‘kk sa fur hu nokkmikkan skkukosik fikko k’ktmukkpumit akakt aktnakk kakkir foakkutut sak kota totir kukt aktef nasamaktinkt riktanthiskki saghnikkhti taktsi hartut hukke khaktkikkatkk gkihtakkt ethemmsskki ho o ikkifakkt skkatmesikkt.”
It’s just … something inspiring … what you find on the internet. *boggle*
Really amazing (well, or baffling) Russian pedestrians, Liberal arts courses, games about everything (that probably don’t include dice, and don’t look *anything* like Monopoly)….
My caller was saying that they were calling about my recent query to Microsoft.