Mmm, back on antibiotics….after root canal…

Just makes you full of energy. No. OTOH, it seems it’s a good thing to count your pills. I counted mine, seeing the vial looked less than full, and I’d also lost track of my doses, so I counted and subtracted. Walgreen Drug shorted me 5 pills....

Root canal 2…

This one took an hour—because the person who did the first one on this tooth 10 years ago missed a root (branch) and used pins with a cement that resisted being removed. Got it, however, and am back on antibiotics. Sigh. On the genealogy front, I turn out to...

The chimney—is, well, not falling. But…

our neighbor urgently fears it will. What we have is two loose bricks. We had a chap assess it. We really don’t need another bill this year (my endodontist appointment is next Wednesday, to be followed by a dental appointment, etc) but—we did figure that...

Picked up 2 new waterlilies today…

A yellow, Texas Dawn, and a dark red, Midnight Ruby…hardies, to live in the deep end of our pond and take the place of the winter-shield during the summer. A tangle of lily roots and pads and blooms is an anti-predator measure that’s pretty besides. We...