Re Shejicon. Jane and I are setting up the schedule, making reservations, figuring out necessities, buying food!!!!, arranging tables, figuring out venues and rain plans, and thus far it all looks to be for 3 people besides Jane and me. I have problems with the interface at the Shejidan site, so if you are communicating there, do not assume you are in contact with me. If you cannot post on Wave, write to me as cj at
Today I need the following. Don’t be shy. Give us at least your screen name and whether or not you have a car, when you are arriving, departing, and whether you can help us transport our [so far 3] people, and how many of them. If I don’t hear from you, I will assume we have 3 people.
Would love to participate, but the joys (?) of moving to a new place, accompanied by interesting “discoveries” (e.g., some poorly done original construction that absolutely must be re-done correctly), means that neither free time nor disposable income is in great supply these days. Even so, we are *very* glad that the problems were discovered before they had turned into disasters.
Like others, I’ll be there in spirit, though!
Wishing a wonderful time for everyone who can attend in person!