After the nasty heat—we have a nice little shower this morning, enough to make water run in the street.
Great relief on several fronts: 26% humidity and 107 degree temperatures are a bad combination with evergreen forests. A nice overcast and slow showers rather than a pounding rain that moves fast with lightning strikes and hammers powdery soil are a good change.
We’re thoroughly water-logged this year in T-Town. 5 inches this last week alone and the clay is completely saturated. You can step on the grass and squish in some places. There’s actually water in the Arkansas!
For those not familiar with Oklahoma this is extremely unusual. The Arkansas is dammed north-west of town, the purpose being mostly flood mitigation. If it weren’t dammed most of the low-lying areas east of the river would have been under water. As it is there is a lot of concern about the 70-year old levees on the west side. They’re a disaster waiting to happen.