A bug in the software is preventing my getting them to turn off and on at the right hour. Right now they come on in midafternoon and run through 3 am.
But I have a call in to the manufacturer. and aquarium equipment is one of those things where you do get right to somebody who knows something: small companies, usually.
WE’re starting into a warming trend. The bridge has above a foot and a third of snow on it.
The basement library is shaping up. We may paint tomorrow.
The book has been a little frustrating: I’ve spent the morning yanking out a few thousand words of story that just aren’t where I need them to be, or aren’t what I want.But we’re making progress.
I at least now have a clear vision of the next and final bits.
If you keep having to prune like that, you may be able to fill another book with ‘Leftover Delights’.
You could do an “outtakes” e-volume on Closed Circle. I’d be interested in that. I have to admit that I’m as curious as to where you didn’t go as interested in where you did go with any of your work.
Glad you are thawing out. I wish it would be spring already!
Off-Topic: Blog Theme / Styles — I’ve logged in twice, and the styles for the blog entry (any page for a topic thread such as this one) and the Leave a Comment textbox are showing in Courier or Courier New, instead of the sans-serif font they ordinarily should be in with this theme.
I’m presuming it is a temporary glitch that will sort itself out, but I’ve done refreshes, closed the page and come back after visiting another site, and it’s persisted, but that’s in the space of less than an hour. Just thought I should give a heads-up in case there’s an actual problem rather than a mere hiccup.
Headlines and the main / home page for the blog are OK, however.
Bluecatship, looking at the source, there are some stray “code” html tags at the end of the original post. The last one is unclosed, and so it messes up the typeface of everything further down on the page. I don’t know how that happened, I would think the editor would make it really hard to do that.
I viewed the page source, and the font issue looks to simply be a stray “code” tag after Mrs Cherryh’s main entry (it is not closed, so everything below it is affected with the Courier font browsers use for that HTML tag by default). Edit the main post and remove that tag, and the normal font should hopefully reappear! (Note that I can’t write the tag properly in this comment as this editor deletes it.)
Whoops – sorry, I just saw the other post pointing out the same thing!
Cat Disaster — I’m super upset — So be aware when you read further.
This is one of those times I wish I had a better local friends’ support network. I need to vent. Seriously. I’m so… you name it. If it’s got a “dis-” in front of it, that’s how I feel right now.
Two or three nights ago, I heard something from the front of the apartment, the living room. At first I thought it was maybe the upstairs neighbor or outside, but it seemed too loud. Then I identified it as probably one of the cats scratching something they were not supposed to be doing. And when I went in to check and turned on the light, of course the guilty party/-ies had left the scene of the crime. I heard this the next night and tonight / last night. I was sure then one of them was scratching his claws on something.
Tonight / last night, I again did not catch which cat did it. But I went over to the couch and… oh dear Lord…. I am so, so upset.
The couch is an old, vinyl used couch given to me by the friends who helped me move in. (The same not-so-reliable friends I’ve been having trouble with off-and-on who have not been by again lately.) The couch is not good to start with, and I’d told the friends that I want them to move it out so I can replace it.
I’ve been scrupulously taking care of the litter box, still just one in the bathroom, sifting it every day or two, empty ing entirely as needed. And one or both of them, even so, will do their business (#2) outside the letterbox if and when they think it’s too smelly or whatever their criterion is. I have been putting up with this, as that has been the only problem since last October (although it is an ongoing misbehavior).
Yeah, one or both cats, the other night, apparently peed on a cushion and the sleeping bag I had on the couch. (The sleeping bag has been there because there wasn’t a good way to store it in the closets..)
So just now, still before dawn, I threw away the cushion and sleeping bag as unsalvageable and wiped down the vinyl couch with Clorox Wipes. I will need to do that again to be sure. The other decorative cushion (mine, not part of the couch) appeared to be fine. Now I _really_ want to get rid of the couch.
Frell. I was mad enough, considering I think the guilty cat is the same one I had the problem with in October, that I considered giving him away. Again. — Well, after walking the smelly results to the dumpster (full to overflowing) I had calmed down (maybe) (a little) and instead, I took both cats to the couch, one by one, and planted their nose in it with the stern admonition, “No! No! NO! Do NOT do that!” The same way you’d potty-train / housebreak a puppy. Thank goodness you don’t have to do that with cats (usually) to train them to use a litter box.
So… Well, I don’t know if this is going to work. I am so disgusted, angry, disheartened at the one I think is the guilty party, and yet I have to consider that if the one did it, the other one probably copied him and did it too. (maybe.) And they’ve both been told NO now, firmly, but of course, that may take repetition.
I don’t really want to give away either of them, even the one I think is probably the guilty one. And I’d hate to give one away only to find out the other one was ingrained, doing it too, or maybe the source of the misbehavior.
Well, it’ll be weeks before the present couch is disposed of or a new one bought. (And I would be livid if they peed on it!) — I have never, ever had this severe a problem with one of my cats. I can’t consider anyplace, anything, any furniture in the apartment safe from this. I’m really, really mad at the dang cat. and reminding myself that they’ve probably both done it when one thought he’d gotten away with it.
So I am terribly disheartened and conflicted, and disgusted at the serious misbehavior. They are 12 and 9. (I think it’s Smokey, the overly assertive, needy, always-wants-to-eat one.)
I had to fight the urge to really yell or swat when I found the mess. I even had to fight a wild, mean urge to toss the culprit out the door and not look back. — Which I will not do, as that is beyond wrong. – If I were to give away a cat, he (or she) would need a good home to go to. Dumping a pet is not right. I feel bad for thinking of it. And yet, ooh, I’m mad.
Sanity, however, has prevailed. Heck, I do love these two idiots, and I have to remind myself I’m far from perfect either. I have principles, dang it. And I have never given a pet away, except when there were litters of kittens. I’ve never given away a cat or dog I’ve taken in. Big huge sigh. I am considering it again with this one. I expect that I will cool my temper and forgive him.
This is, however, a big deal. I just threw out a perfectly good cushion and sleeping bag, although that sleeping bag is many years old now. And I expect to need to get rid of the couch, which is fortunately not a problem. But if it were a good used couch or new? Ooh, would I be mad.
There are not many other places for the cat to do that. My bed? the carpet? Boxes or other items, more permanent? Please, no.
So…well, dang. — And the dumpster is literally overflowing, so I can’t take other items to the trash that need to go. (Emty boxes, etc., ordinary stuff.)
S I am venting here. And later today, I get to wipe down the couch again and hope it is not as bad as it might be. I am hoping the vinyl kept the couch from being soaked by however many visits, at lest one.
I hope and pray my cat never does this again. It’s a major blow to my peace of mind and my faith/trust in that (or both) cats. So I’m venting. And I need some sleep.
Gotta call the friends again to get them to pick up items for me before the office sends them back. I am completely tired of asking these friends to do this, having them say they will, then not doing it, and saying they “forgot” or they “got busy.” Once in a while, yeah. But call if you know you can’t do it. Or don’t commit to begin with. If I had other friends we’d do it, such as neighbors, I would. Two years in and I have only a passing acquaintance with two neighbors enough to know their names, but no basis beyond that, no conversations or friendship. I wish it were different, but I’ve had to get used to the idea that just because I would like to be friends with people does not mean they want to make friends with me. Which, er, hurts, when you are too damn alone and need and want friends. Bu I’ve actually had neighbors ignore me. So…well, dang, be hat way then. But why?
So…not a good way to start my day. Very unhappy and trying to tell myself it is not that bad. Get rid of a couch or a cat? I’d rather get rid of the couch. I’d rather not have to get rid of either, but…eegads, the smell was bad, and I’m lucky that couch is vinyl, and that’s only a couple of days. Eegads again.
Please be good, cat. Your name is mud right now. And yet I don’t want to give up on you or have hard feelings. A cat is a cat. They don’t know any better than to do how they do, past a certain point. It wouldn’t be any different with a little child or an old senile person. I know that. So… well, I am trying to be adult about this and not give up on my cat. He is otherwise, well, a brat, but not a bad cat. I have always been convinced that animals are not bad, but people can make them so, and with enough patience and love, hey learn better. I am not so sure the is true of humans. But I wouldn’t treat a child or elder that way, so I am not about to mistreat my cat that way.
Yeah, I’m still not happy with the little so-and-so.
Aarrgh. Learn better, cat. I don’t want to be tempted to give you away or give up on you for misbehavior. I know you love me in your kitty way, and I do love you to. Just…aarrgh. And why do I have to go through this. I’ve been through enough lately. I’d seriously like to catch a break and have life be good for a wile, no major upsets to contend with.
I am going to ry to sleep again. I’ve been up for several hours by now.
I know whereof you speak! For several years, I have had throws on our sectional because occasionally the cats hork up a hairball or worse. We’ve never caught them peeing on anything they shouldn’t, although occasionally they miss the litterbox with #2, easier to pick up with paper towels and/or Clorox Wipes. The throws are even more important since buying the new sectional last year, and have already saved it from at least 2 episodes of Kitty Barf.
The thing we had the most trouble with were when Zorro decided all the wood paneling in the house is belong to her. After several bouts catching her carving divots out of things (door jambs, walls, etc.) I laid down contact paper and cloth scraps over anyplace that showed unwanted attentions, and went through a succession of scratchers to find her an appropriate place to vent. After she eventually dies, we will be able to remove the barricades, but for now, she can sharpen her claws on some cardboard scratching posts. Junior prefers to use the carpet when he has the urge to scratch something, and since we intend to replace it sometime in the next few years, that’s okay.
2 weeks ago Junior got a haircut, and went from Rasta to Mr. Plushy; the cut short fur has the texture now of velvet. When he misbehaves, I am tempted to call him Jarhead, after the traditional Marine buzzcut. I have to start brushing him at least once a day to get him used to brushing again and hopefully keep the dreadlocks down.
@BCS, it may just be misbehaviour, but it might also be health-related. Some old cats do get dementia and start peeing in inappropriate places…
If they are drinking a lot more than they used to, it might also be an indication for diabetis. Or for kidney trouble, if the older cat is losing weight.
Step 1, take cat to vet to check for UTI (urinary tract problem, bladder or kidney infection.) I watched a friend’s cat hop onto the mantle, seek out an heirloom pocket watch with the case open, and pee accurately into the lid. The problem was, yes, UTI.
Step 2: Nature’s Miracle (Amazon) may be able to purify that couch, except if it soaked into cushions.
Step 2.5: Feliway spray dosed on that couch. Plus wall-dispenser.
UTI is the most likely. The other two will hopefully solve the problem of a repeat performance. Be SURE their litter is cleaned daily for a while, because if one has a UTI it can spread and also because it may have a smell that they can detect and object to.
Thanks, CJ, Chondrite, Hanneke, others! — Well, I moped around a lot today after cleaning up. — I sift through their litter at least every other day, usually every day, in self-defense and trying to keep it clean and non-smelly, both for their senses and mine. — But tonight, I’ve emptied it entirely and refreshed the litter, and anticipate doing that more often for a while. I think I will also try a second litter box, but dang, where to put it that doesn’t set up a potential problem is an issue. Probably another corner of the bathroom. I really don’t want to set one in the living room or breakfast area.
And just when I thought we were OK — one cat, don’t know which, went to the couch again, before I had emptied their letterbox entirely. UGH!! Wiped it up, thank goodness the couch is vinyl, but that’s still no guarantee. — I am going on the theory that this is a protest move, that the litterbox registered as, “Too smelly and sharing with each other, we do not like.” At least I hope that’s what it is.
Feliway and the other product via Amazon? Check, will do. Oh, thank you.
I don’t see signs of kitty dementia from either cat, still seems like they are both sharp mentally. A UTI — I hope not, I haven’t seen any sudden change in habits, either drinking or peeing or solids, though, hmm, Smokey has too-frequent hairball or overeat-then-purge bouts going on, due to his constant thing from street-kittenhood: “I might starve again so I must eat even when not hungry.” Smokey’s growth was stunted, he’s short and stout and tubby, but if he were a regular-sized kitty, he wouldn’t be overweight, ironically. Goober has natural appetite control and is Mr. Non-Assertive, so he is always long and lean. (Sort of Mutt and Jeff, the old cartoon.)
I think I’ll need to get them a vet checkup to be sure, even though I haven’t noticed anything besides this with the couch. (And what the heck, guys, why the couch instead of some other spot less permanent?)
Sigh. So, I took each cat to the renewed offense and, “No, no, bad kitty,” and stuck their nose almost in it. Hoping this gets the message across. Cleaned up again, more Clorox Wipes. It’s about as good as I can manage, short of getting the old couch hauled out. Oh, I am really in favor of that right now. Chairs, whatever temporary…but likely the couch will stay a while before I do anything to replace it. Sigh.
The one good thing: Getting mad before dawn and being upset today meant, oddly enough, that with the new offense proven, I have recovered my sense of perspective. They’re not humans; they’re cats. Treating it like I’d treat little kids or new kittens (or puppies) meant scolding them and letting that sink in, and then, now about 30 minutes later, when Smokey came around, apologeticc and wondering if he’s still in trouble or unloved, giving him attention to let him know he’s still loved, wanted, needed. Which is more balanced and the right way to treat a pet or a small child. And, er, more adult of me too.
Plus, the realization that if I gave one or both cats away, that would mean losing good friends, companions, loved ones, who help give me emotional balance and support in my currently too-solo life. Heck, I like cats, I like animals. Haven’t had a dog since I was a kid, but hey, I like dogs too. Pretty much most mammals, in fact. And yeah, having two cats around does help keep me going in, well, as close to normal as I can get, haha. — I would want some pet in any case. (Also, there are stray cats around the apartment complex, and the thought of my two being dumped outside with no support…no, I couldn’t do that. My temper nearly forgot that last year, was tempted this time, but, no, that’s a personal limit I won’t cross. (Er, being handicapped also gives me a keen sense of being an outsider, an invisible minority. I won’t do that to these guys.
Having Smokey come ask for attention, trying to apologize, also points out, they need me and I need them. I couldn’t be that heartless for too long. (I can be stubborn, however.)
So…the situation is ongoing. Thanks to your advice, and thinking more on what they’re doing, I think I have a better handle on what’s going on and why. At least this gives possible solutions and things to test.
So, dang, I really hope I can dissuade them from more misbehavior, and there will be an order into Amazon tonight. (They should give me stock in the company, I swear.)
Side Note 1: Two items I have on monthly subscription order from Amazon went no-longer-available, and as yet, I haven’t found another subscription for cat litter pails, and will have to look further. The other was people food. I almost wound up running out of cat litter, and there’s a pail waiting at the apartment complex office. LOL, if they only knew.
Side Note 2: For this thread, and the reply box, I am still seeing Courier instead of the usual font from the stylesheet, although it’s showing up correctly on the main/home page of the blog. Hoping it will clear up in a day or two. Courier’s a little thin on my screen.
Sigh. I am so going to order something as a treat with my next grocery order.
As the old saying goes, my cats have been washed too many times to give them up. But cats, y’all are severely testing my patience.
Once I know more, I’ll let you all know. Getting a cab in her oto pick me up may be a chore, as last time, this did not work out from either Yellow or Uber. So getting the twosome to the vet and back could be one of them-there “Heroic Quests.” (I never thought, back when I had a house and a regular cabbie, that getting a cab regularly to my door would be a major undertaking. Grr.)
Whoa, parking lot. Did I just hear a parent say what I think I heard, to a little kid? Sheesh, I know, temper and misbehavior and kids acting up, but…wow, try not to drop the f-bomb on your elementary or younger offspring, would ya? Ouch. — I can sometimes hear snippets of dialogue way more clearly than I ever would have believed or wanted to. Through closed windows. Man, apartment living….
I will be overdue for the Orville or something else by the end of the week. Going to relax tonight. Two pee patrol cleanups in one day? Maaannnn….
If you have any cabinets at ground level that can be spared, put the second litterbox in one of them. I took the doors off the bathroom sink cabinet and put the spare litterbox in there for a while. You could also put the box in the shower stall or bathtub; just remember to move it out when you want a bath!
I think I’m going to set up the second letterbox in the living room near the couch, to one side, and think the culprit might take the big hint.
*Tabasco* sauce has just been applied in a thin film to the vinyl couch. One or both cats will not be happy next time. — I haven’t seen territorial marking / spraying from either of these guys ever. But now I think there’s a “my turf / your turf” side to this, as (aarrgh) the culprit also sharpened his claws on the couch’s (built-in) cushions. The decorative (added) cushions, one was thrown away and the other is (I think) safe but will be washed, and I hope will survive the washer and dryer.
“Nature’s Miracle” and Feliway will be on their way today.
I am fairly sure now this is just one cat, Smokey, Mr. Over-Assertive, He of the Eternal Appetite. Goober was with me when an incident took place overnight. I am not happy with Smokey, but…well, dang, he’s a cat, whatcha gonna do? Couldn’t toss him out if he were human and whatever age. Can’t very well give up on a cat for being…grr…fluff-brain. — I’m also leaving a Clorox Wipe on the couch in the ofensive spot. Between the smell of that and the Tabasco, maybe it’ll be an effective deterrent.
Little buddy, you don’t want that Tabasco.
(Heaven help me if he doesn’t mind Tabasco! The mama dog I grew up with once got into Mexican food leftovers. My mom liked hot sauce and jalapeños. She was worried about our dog. The mama dog was unfazed by the hot sauce (Tabasco) either going in or coming out. Thereafter, my mom din’t worry too much if she gave her leftover scraps. Unusual canine. So…my luck, I might discover I have a chili-head cat!)
I hope this won’t be overdoing it. Poor kitty. I would not be happy if I had that.
I have found vinegar good for getting rid of the uric odors, and washing soda for the fecal ones.
That’s just good chemistry.
Or housewifery.
I do like learning such random useful bits here, it’s one thing I like about the varied discussions that happen here.
The other (most important) thing is how nice, polite and helpful everyone here is, even when we don’t always agree: the reason why it’s my favorite place on the internet.
(*) Is anyone else seeing the Comments and Reply Box section in Courier? It still hasn’t refreshed the cache for me, back to the usual sans-serif font.
Cats: They’ve had only one recurrence over the last 24 hours. No idea if the Tabasco dissuaded them. So far, so good. “Nature’s Miracle” for cats is on its way. That couch has been scrubbed with Clorox Wipes more in the last three days than my kitchen. I’m not sure what to think of that, haha. I opted against the Feliway, but may change my mind.
Dang — household vinegar, I need to add that to my grocery list. Why I don’t get it regularly, I don’t know. Tommie, thank you.
Food: I reached into the back of the pantry to get one thing, and dislodged a bottle, and _bang_ on the floor it went. I am fine, the cats are fine. The floor is much cleaner! It should be, after all that. One nearly-full bottle of boysenberry syrup, plus glass, to pick up via dust pan and whisk broom, then paper towels to sop up the mess (and still a chance of glass bits). Repeat ad infinitum. I was surprised I didn’t use up nearly as many paper towels as expected. I didn’t want to use a kitten or bath hand towel and wring it out and find, ouch, glass. This worked out fine. And yep, I only thought I got all the stickiness up, so it will get mopped too.
Funny how we’re still basically monkeys deep down. I started cleaning it up, smelled the boysenberries strongly, and hah, I wanted boysenberry syrup. Can’t do that, it’s defunct. Haven’t looked for pancake batter, but I should have some left from the last time I fixed.
Kroger’s doesn’t have it in their online order store, just umpteen kinds of maple syrup or butter flavor syrup. (Oddly, I did not see Kayro Syrup in there.) I added pancake mix, in case.
I ordered boysenberry syrup from Amazon, of all places. Apparently, this was where I got it last time too. Two bottles, 8.5 ounces, not too bad a price. — Determined Amazon was not a good idea to order pancake mix, unless they have it in their Prime Pantry and it didn’t show up among the buy-in-bulk or pay-through-the-nose for one box shipped specially.
Glad now I had decided to delay ordering groceries. Still planning to put in the order for Monday.
And — I think my temper has done a much-needed reality check, attitude adjustment, and scope-of-the-problem update. Getting ticked off at the cats, then feeling foolish for overreacting, then working through that, somehow jettisoned some other emotional baggage I have been carrying around for quite a while. No longer quite so ticked at those local friends either, just going to have to find alternatives that work for me.
The cats appreciated me handling it sensibly, and may have picked up on the demonstration by putting their nose in it and the cleanup with what was a keep-away, stinky smell to them. Heh. But that I didn’t lose my temper more than that seems to have reassured them, and I think they’ve picked up on my better mood. They’re doing well.
LOL, chemistry or housewifery or househusbandry, cool! — I also appreciate the helpful, varied discussion here.
LOL, the boysenberry will have to wait until it arrives in a few days. There could, however, be a PB&J sandwich to assuage the craving. I’ve been pretty good about not overdoing sugar/sweets lately, but somehow the boysenberry smell did it for me. 😀 Geez, I feel like a pushover. Haha.
FWIW, Karo is in Kroger’s grocery section under baking products. (Which is where I’d expect it. Sorghum and cane syrup, on the other hand, I’d think would be in with the pancake-and-waffle stuff.)
Thanks, PJ. I know my grandmother kept Kayro / Karo (sp?) at least for cooking pecan pies at the holidays, but I have never fixed one myself. My local store has a habit of moving everything around warehouse-style, these days, although some products tend to stay in their own aisles. That’s been a change since a store remodel a while back. They used to move things only for product placement, but it has become more random / shelf-space centered.
IIANM, Karo syrup is just corn syrup, (corn starch hydrolyzed glucose). Any brand would probably do. But pay attention whether the brands are straight or further processed to high-fructose corn syrup, which tastes sweeter–more bang for the buck. There’s debate about the body’s metabolism of HFCS, with the money on one side! 😉
Certainly. CJ needs to get Chuck on it.
Gosh, we had 10 below zero yesterday and this morning and -14′ at the low spot! Spokane is usually warmer than up here. I am looking out one of my office windows and what I see is a row of giant icicles that have been sliding off the roof and the curvature of the slide is making them point into the window – the longest is about 2 inches from the glass so I am contemplating if I should break them off before the sun hits the west side of the roof and they come crashing in. The longest one is over a yard in length and really quite wicked – all those daggers pointing at me makes me a bit uneasy with so much weight behind them and a single pane of glass as a backstop. My concern is that they are so solid a mass that if I try to break one it would start a chain reaction and things could get out of control – plus I am not sure how to get close enough or what tool to use. I am the only one at this building so I suppose I should call our maintenance man to see what he thinks.
Good luck with your writing, a few thousand words seems like a lot of work to me:)
It is. I’ll be tossing maybe a month’s worth of work. The air purifier is helping.
With the blue fog in the air due to trashing several thousand words? Gotta get myself an air filter that does that!
The UPS that a friend gave me a year ago has the habit of chirping every morning: it started at 8:30am the first morning, and has been happening every day. Except that for a while it moved an hour later – not DST, but an hour later than that. I have no idea what it’s doing…but as long as it keeps the computer from having to reboot when the power glitches, I’m fine with it. (He was surprised that it charged right up – the thing had been sitting in his storage area for years; it’s at least 10 years old, and he inherited it from a friend of his.)
My APC UPS’ for the computers don’t do that, but the one for the fiber-optic interface does. It means the battery must be replaced.
I could do without the medium light grey color of the font here! 🙁 Gimme black on white.
This one has a “replace battery” light – which isn’t lighting at all. It’s just the once, every morning. I’ve kind of been using as a time-tick.
I have a UPS on my computer as well, which my WIFI modem and phone modem are also plugged into. It only gives me 10 minutes of battery but that’s more than enough time to save the document I’m working on and power down the computer in a controlled way. I’ve had it for at least 10-12 years and have replaced the batteries on them several times. Mine start chirping when the batteries are about to go. When I was a medical transcriptionist, we were required by the company to have them as we used only desktop computers back in those days! It meant being able to save our work on a document that might be critically needed, that someone else could pick up and finish for us, rather than having to start over on.
Because laptops run most of the time off batteries that can be recharged fairly quickly and are not that dependent on live power, a UPS doesn’t make as much sense for them as it does for a desktop computer that always depends on live power to operate. I don’t have a laptop and I’m not much interested in having one because I’m too used to having two big monitors and a nice big keyboard with a 10-key pad.
Two monitors gives you a lot of “real estate” to work on – the computers at work had dual monitors, because we needed lots of space for all the windows that were open (we were doing GIS stuff).
Every so often, the power here will glitch just enough to turn off one of the fluorescents (and reboot the computer, if it were on the UPS), but not reset the clock on the microwave. Why I needed a UPS.
Two monitors lets me open multiple Word pages, i.e., the story I’m working on and the “keeping the details straight” document (characters, things, language notes, etc.) open at the same time without having to three-ring-circus multiple documents on a single screen. Also, I have a wallpaper program that plays through a file of photographs and pretty pictures I’ve collected over the years, shifting to a new picture every 10 minutes. I can work on one document and have a pretty wallpaper image as an “eye rester” on the second screen that I can look at to rest my eyes. Or I can watch pod casts on one screen and have a knitting pattern open on the other and knit and watch podcasts (or Netflix). I also love a website called Jigsaw Planet that lets you upload images of choice and make jigsaw puzzles out of them. The bigger of the two monitors lets me work a 200 piece jigsaw puzzle on screen while I listen to internet radio through Winamp, or listen to a Napster playlist. Needless to say, I have a desktop. My computer desk is on casters and I have a recliner in front of it. I recline and pull the computer desk up over the chair. Owing to my knee, and being allergic to all the good painkillers, I sit a lot. I have Kindle on my PC and can also read (the big monitor would allow for a lot of text to be displayed on a single “page” (for the fast readers) or allow for very large print, and Kindle for PC can be worked with a mouse.
This is the setup that works for me. I also have a reconditioned Kindle Fire 10-inch tablet for reading and watching podcasts.
Looking forward to the new cover picture. Still no sign of a preorder on Amazon.
Is there a title for the one after Resurgence?
Divergence. I think.
Perserverance? Not that I know where the story is actually going.
@WOL, I think you’ll like this:
Ooh, I like this post/link too—Thanks, Paul! It allows me to combine my passion for knitting and discovering what the cutting edge of math/science is doing.
First thing I noticed was them calling stitches “slip knots”. Um, hell, no. They’re loops. The slip knot is the one you start the cast-on with, guys. It’s the only one, usually – knots are a problem you try to avoid in knitting.
“Cutting edge”, eh?
p.s. “Keep me logged in” hasn’t worked for me in a month or so.
I want a word-meaning search tool, rather specialized, but I’m not sure how to describe it so it would turn up in Google, or if such a tool is available.
I came across the family name “Combemale” in a video. The YouTuber took a cheap shot, calling it, “Comb Male.” But I am sure the word-elements (roots) do not have to do with “males” or likely not “combing.” -combe- and -male- are in other English names, but could have Saxon, Norman, or Gaelic origins, like most English names do. I am fairly sure “Combe” is something like “hill,” (e.g., Holcombe, but Coxcomb is a different root. “Male” could be from French for “bad, ill,” but also I think has another origin which I don’t recall, e.g., Pall Mall; I think it meant something like a concourse or circus or ring or lane. But I don’t recall, and attempting searches isn’t helping much because I’m having trouble thinking of example words containing the roots.
The surname history meaning sites have all come up null for Combemale. (The printed name is shown in a screenshot so I know it’s correct.)
There are probably academic tools to look up roots in Anglo-Saxon and Middle English, Norman French and Old French, Irish and Scots Gaelic, and the other (Breton and Welsh) main languages that went into ancient and Medieval English / British settlement, conquests, and then name origins. So I’m interested in a tool that would let me delve into these; something like a dictionary / lexicon that’s a corpus or codex of many sources, to look up attested words and roots.
Yeah, I might be one of the only folks here who’d be particular enough for that tool. But given that some fans and CJ, Jane, and Lynn, have a background that includes historical and language studies from the medieval and ancient periods, I thought it might be worth a shot to ask. If I recall, at least three or four other fans who lurk or reply have some academic background or old classwork that might encompass this. So I’m curious enough to look it up. (I may have some luck with Holcombe, and I’m sure I should be able to think of other examples with -combe-, but -male- (or Mal or Malle), I’m having a hard time thinking of example words or names. I believe Malcolm might be the related root, but not sure. -mal-, -male-, -malle-, something in there. (I’d expect maille would be a French word; if I recall, that’s the French spelling for mail as in chainmail, pronounced in French as may-yuh or mah-yuh, roughly.)
For word meaning, onelook.com does pretty well.
Whether it would give you a line on name pronunciation–maybe.
There’s also “mal”, bad.
‘Mal’ in Dutch has its own meaning, not bad: I think it’s related to the French ‘moule’, not the French ‘mal’. It is the word for what I think are called dies (not dice) or forms: the shapes you pour liquid metal, glass or clay into, to make statues or uniformly produce figurines, glassware and tableware and such.
Combe or coombe is a small narrow valley, or hollow; I went through our copy of the Domesday Book looking for your family name and only got halfway. Didn’t find -mal or -male yet.
Aha! The term is related to the Cornish term (possibly Wales) ‘cwm’, and has been altered to ‘cumber’ — think ‘Cumberland Gap’.
Cwm is one of my favorite words!
did the font get changed accidentally or was there a change made?
I’ve been seeing all our comments in what looks like Courier for about a week now. It’s a thinner, harder to read font. I haven’t cleared my cache or anything, I just hope it’ll change back to something easier to read sometime soon.
I prefer the old font, too.
Me too. While Courier was acceptable for typewriters and it was better than older typescript styles, it’s still a bit thin and extended.
Most people don’t notice fonts, they just know something is a bit off. But fonts are a big deal. Is it Bluecatship that creates them? Somebody here does and I’m sure we could get the lecture on the importance of good font design in communication.