June. When it’s light from 5 am til 9 pm, and everybody is insomniac…
We live more attuned to the outdoors up here in the PNW than we did in Oklahoma, for one thing: we live a lot in the garden, but, y’know, it’s hard to go to bed when the sun is still up, and hard to stay abed ditto, and there are times the corresponding winter darks and sleeping are just so attractive… Here it is finally pushing 7, and we’ve both been up for more than an hour.
The knees, I rejoice to say, are finally working out the last of the bruise from the Champagne cork incident…nearly 3 weeks on, still a little ouchiness in the calf muscles, but the bruising is dissipated.
We were going to attack the accounting yesterday, but our freezer decided to do a meltdown…just what we needed atop the slight untidiness in the kitchen due to our return from the convention (the kitchen dining area, next to the back entry, catches all the incoming baggage)—and here comes the stack of towels, the winter heater, and the ice chest that helped us save its contents.
At least we didn’t lose anything. We’re a little worried about the wedding cake, but we think it’s ok.
The freezer was long overdue for a defrost, as was. We can now report that done.
Now we get to the accounting.
How insufferably scrupulous to defrost the freezer after a long, tiring trip and simply because it was on the schedule! That makes me happy that mine is frost-free and only needs to be worked on every five to ten years. The spousal unit’s mini fridge; however, is beginning to have trouble closing its door due to ice. Maybe I can get my boarder, Dawn, to transfer his meds to the main fridge and allow that one to defrost itself. There are reasons why it can be nice to be in a nursing home!
Actually—it was the freezer that decided to defrost itself… 😉
One hopes that doesn’t indicate upcoming problems with the refrigerator.
THis is a freestanding freezer, a little one, that has never been defrosted. We had it in the apartment, and downstairs here, and now upstairs in the pantry, and it was never a spendy one in the first place. I suppose it owes us nothing. But we’d rather not have it go!