by CJ | Jun 3, 2015 | Journal
Not only am I behind deadline, the next deadline (due to a change in production schedule (absolutely nothing to do with me and nothing anybody can do anything about) and my desire to keep that April slot) means I have a turn-in date way short of the usual. So I am...
by CJ | May 31, 2015 | Journal
Officially a bit past deadline, but working.
by CJ | May 25, 2015 | Journal
We painted one.
by CJ | May 25, 2015 | Journal
We painted one.
by CJ | May 24, 2015 | Journal
As in—at least I’ve been able to do some maintenance around the place. I think I’ve found the issue with the front fountain, and it’s simpler than I thought, maybe. I need to trench over to the faucet so we can lay some new connection, and bury...
by CJ | May 22, 2015 | Journal
We have our own excellent place for brisk walking, right in front of our house, up five lots, and U turn, do 2-3 laps, and we figure that’s good for the back—not far, but just doggedly getting out and doing it, and being careful about chairs and...
by CJ | May 20, 2015 | Journal
This is Miscon, a convention we very much love and look forward to. But unhappily, Jane’s back went out. She’s limping about in pain, the con starts tomorrow, and we just gave up our hotel room (beautiful hotel, with a creek just outside the windows)...
by CJ | May 17, 2015 | Journal
Things just didn’t add up to have the party we planned—just too crazy right now. But we WILL have one. Just not on the day. So I’ve gotten at least a dinner rez. And we’ll hope that wedding cake we saved is still edible.
by CJ | May 13, 2015 | Journal
I waked with something making a racket at the window screen. Wasn’t sure but what I ought to get Ol’ Betsy and check it out, but the tops of the bush outside my window were tossing wildly in the wind, and the joint-ache that had plagued me all evening was...
by CJ | May 12, 2015 | Journal
I swear, there’s a thing almost as bad as trolls, and that’s people whose brain only picks up buzzwords: they flit through the internet looking for a word that sets them off, and they drop some post picking nits with the original post—not that they...
by CJ | May 10, 2015 | Journal
Pork chops. Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, in powdered form. Coat chops, no salt or pepper: the dressing mix powder has plenty of flavor. I had a good result using a little oil in an iron skillet, starting them on the range, then finishing the same under broil (an iron...
by CJ | May 7, 2015 | Journal
One thing kitties never miss is suppertime. When mine didn’t show for supper—I knew something was wrong. Though he’s finicky and sometimes decides he doesn’t want chicken tonight, he wants salmon. And he will eventually show up and eat whatever...