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  1. dhrowe

    In the amazon link, one of the books is not yours!


    • CJ

      Yep, that happens—I have not a clue why. I’ll see if I can ditch it.

      • tulrose

        This isn’t your fault. The Amazon search gives some wacky results and often includes books that seem to have no relevance at all. There is probably something in the database for that other book that says Cherryh; a table of contents, a footnote, something. It’s always shown up.

  2. Barry Carter

    Hello, The two email addresses that I attempted to order the C.J. Cherryh graphics from are probably no longer in service.
    They are still posted on Amazon as the addresses to use when placing orders.
    They are:
    (well it disappeared but it’s the other one listed on the Amazon page)

    I’ll post a check to C.J. at the Closed Circle address in Spokane.

  3. rmcda

    To C.J.Cherryh,
    Have you ever thought about getting one of your books onto the Big Screen. I was thinking that “The Faded Sun” trilogy should be in the movies. I have enjoyed reading this series several times and can even imagine what Hollywood actors could play the characters. Inquiring mind would like to know if that’s possible.
    Randy McDaniel

  4. BarbieA

    Isn’t Cameron’s new movie Avatar similar in many respects to the Atevi? Would love to hear your take on that!

    • CJ

      I should post the concept drawing I did of Banichi long before Avatar was a gleam in its creator’s eye.

      • Jane

        Yes, you should. 😀

  5. srae

    Tried to download Jane’s free e-book. Put in my name and e-mail and was told to check my email for the link. The e-mail has yet to show up. Tried it again and still no results.

    • CJ

      We’ve clearly got a problem. I’ll notify Jane and we will get this fixed. E-mail us at and we will establish a ‘case’ and be sure you get your download.

  6. Jane

    Just tried it and it works okay, and we haven’t gotten a message that there was a problem delivering. Did you check your junk email? You might also try putting in your “allowed” or “safe” email addys.

    • CJ

      Jane, did we determine that having a no-script plugin in Firefox also causes glitches, or was this a non-issue?

  7. jjjahool

    …the Jan/Feb issue of Fantasy&ScienceFiction in Books , p.37 Chris Moriarty, “my next column will be a C. J. Cherryh extravaganza not limited to currently “in-print” books…and centering on this year’s Regenesis. Steve

  8. Reptile

    I think this is the right place to ask this question. Is Exile’s Gate in print? I checked somewhere and saw that it was published by DAW (unless that’s a mistake) but checked their website and came up a blank on the search function, unless I screwed that up.

    But it seems too odd to republish the first three volumes and not the fourth. But what do I know.

    Anyway, I’ve never read it. Could try the midtown branch of the library, the only one where it might be, but I would like to buy it.

    And I’m hopeful that I’ll soon get my obsolete $100 ebookwise backlit handheld reader in case Exile’s Gate is only on-line somewhere. An obsolete technology, but worth a try until the newer ones come down in price. I just can’t make a habit of siting at my computer and reading whole books, much less take it with me when I’m on the subway. We’ll seem, and I will report if the ebookwise seems a viable option for others.

    I notice that Barnes & Noble has taken over Fictionwise, which indirectly sells the things. Wonder if with their new Kindle-style reader they will kill off the cheap competition? I wouldn’t, but I would want as many book buyers in as many price niches as I could get for my content.

    • CJ

      It should be: DAW may be needing to reprint.

  9. Reptile

    Another question, which I may have asked before. Is there a method of checking posts in a preview mode before posting them on this site the way there are on some others? It doesn’t seem like it, but maybe I’m just ignorant about the technology.

  10. CJ

    I sure wish there were: for me, there is, but not for the Subscribers. If you hit a glitch or have a post about which you have real second thoughts, just e-mail me and I can use the magical mysterious powers of admin to delete or revise somebody’s Comment.

  11. Reptile

    No. It’s just easier for me to proof what I write in a different, and larger, typeface to avoid embarrassing typos. Plus I’ve unconsciously come to lean on preview mode when posting on other blogs. Guess I’ll just have to be less lazy and read over the stuff more carefully.

  12. Reptile

    No. It’s just easier for me to proof what I write in a different, and larger, typeface to avoid embarrassing typos. Plus I’ve unconsciously come to lean on preview mode when posting on other blogs. Guess I’ll just have to be less lazy and read over the stuff more carefully.

    And about Exile’s Gate, I don’t think I’ve ever (last five years or so) seen it in a bookstore. This stuff must drive authors crazy, especially relatively soon after an omnibus volume of the preceding novels has been published.

    • CJ

      I’ll have to talk to them. THanks! And if you know of a preview mode for WordPress or can beg the name from another blog, let me know! (WP must have 10,000 modules).

  13. BoKu

    Is Serpents Reach in print on its own or in one of the omnibus books?

  14. cb

    a while ago, acually about 15 years you wrote the two books rider at the gate, and clouds rider. they were great but as far as i can tell you didnt write a third. thats a shame because you kinda a left everyone hanging. as far as i can tell you didnt write a third. i feel you need to tie it up and finish the story. im a kid who feels like it needs to be finished.

    • CJ

      Alas, Time-Warner, the publisher, underwent a reorganization, my editor moved elsewhere, they at that time had the rights, but they didn’t want to publish a third, which meant nobody else would buy the series, and there it stood for quite a while. Now that I’m doing e-books, when I get the time, it will be possible to write further in the Finisterre universe.

  15. DantesDragoness

    To CJ

    I’m writing a report on you for school, and I was going to email you this question, but as it turns out I don’t have the right type of email for that. Or something along those lines..

    Anyways, I was wondering: What got you into writing science fiction?

    Sorry if I’m bothering you, it’s just I started getting a headache from trying to look up the answer (which I’ve been doing for well over 4 hours, and that’s just for that ONE question >.>; )

    • CJ

      My father gave me Burroughs to read (Edgar Rice Burroughs) when I was just barely able to read. I learned to appreciate imaginative literature about lost worlds and other worlds. I listened to radio—Tom Corbett, Space Patrol, etc., didn’t know it was science fiction, just that I liked it much better than other programs. When we got television, finally, I listened to it on television. And when the Powers That Be (due to the fact they’d run Flash Gordon’s b&w series maybe 20 times) took it all off the air, I started writing my own. I was 10. I knew right then that was the most fun I’d ever had. So I told my parents I’d decided I wanted to be a writer: my mother’s answer was succinct: “Do something to eat.” Good advice—and rare, in those days, for a parent ever to suggest to a young girl that she had to make a living instead of marrying one. I took it very seriously, and began scheming to become self-supporting AND a writer.
      That’s how.

  16. Aja Jin

    Re-reading Conspirator in preparation for the new book. Today I came across this excellent article about the development of email:

    The unanticipated outcomes reminded me of Bren’s thinking about cell phone impacts on the Atevi society:

    “E-mail stripped away the accumulated layers of formality that had been observed in correspondence of the ink age:

    “one could write tersely and type imperfectly, even to an older person in a superior position and even to a person one did not know very well, and the recipient took no offense. The formality and perfection that most people expect in a typed letter did not become associated with network messages, probably because the network was so much faster, so much more like the telephone.”

    Strict hierarchies were flattened, and the barriers between individuals at different levels of an organization’s hierarchy were minimized. ”

    What would the smilie for man’chi look like ?? 🙂

  17. sllynx

    I’ve been reading your wonderful books for years and am a diehard fan. I just got a Nook and am enjoying your Fortress series right now. I’m not sure who your proofreader was for Fortress of Eagles, but it is remarkably poorly proofed. Makes my hair stand on end. I was appalled at the typos. Please tell me this is a fluke to this book before I order anymore of the series. Thanks and very best wishes.

    • CJ

      I have no control over that: we’re as careful as we can with conversions on Closed Circle, but I can’t do a thing with the Harper e-books: they did those conversions and put those out under their imprint. If you would do me a favor, write to Harper and tell them the conversions are unreadable. They listen to readers: they assume writers are just being fussy with them.

  18. Lady Moondancer

    Dearest Lady, I hope this finds you well and in a cool spot. I am coming to the end of Fortress of Ice, which has me all ashiver; the brothers are in a terrible snowstorm somewhere in Amefel and Tarien Has just demolished her tower. I do hope that a New “Fortress” is in our future.
    I am wondering if there will ever be a new “Rider” or if there is, where I might get a hardbound copy.

    Hugs from the western side of the state…

  19. Gonz Weasel

    Hi CJ, I’m new to the posts. A few years ago you were selling autographed hardcovers and paperbacks. Is this now a thing of the past? I know you are going
    to e-books but for us “purists” I still enjoy holding up a book at 2:00am in the morning! Are you out of books? Should us loyal fans go to thrift stores and used book stores and buy them up? We could send them to you so you could sign them and resell them via a Pay Pal account? In these hard economic times all revenue streams should be considered! I read how sick Jane is and how much it must cost you in antibiotics! Hey just a thought. I need you to be able to continue writing! No offense intended, but I noticed all current politicians have a “donate” now “button”. I hate to tell you how much money I’ve sent to various causes to see not much for my investment! If you have something like this, I didn’t see it. I’d much rather send money to someone who has had a positive impact on my life! Anyway just a thought! There seems to be a great fan base out there and since I can’t be up there shoveling snow and picking up pine needles as a good neighbor or friend would do, I feel the need to do something!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • CJ

      We do sell physical books on Closed Circle…just go over to the site and go to the store. We’re reorganizing. And we don’t have a great selection, but we have some. You can designate how and to whom you’d like them signed. And if you have treasured old books you don’t want to risk back-and-forth in the mail, we sell signed bookplates. There is even a donate button, and you can specifiy to-whom.

  20. vlccairo

    Just stopping by to say THANK YOU for the Kindle versions. I have hit “I want to read this on Kindle” every time I’ve checked your books since I got my Kindle two years ago. I have lived in Cairo, Egypt for the last 10 years. I kept my Foreigner hardcovers here – along with Terry Pratchett – when I had to ship most of my books back to the U.S. when I retired. Now I’m looking forward to a perfect orgy of catching up on what Bren et al have been up to for the last few books. Hope your back is better. Been there and it’s not fun.

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