Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Stephen Hawking’s last paper
Stephen Hawking's last paper --------Jane's Groundties books have a lot to say about that.
New round of dental work, oh, joy.
Wednesday. This one will be another graft, and limits on eating while it 'takes', which is about 3 months. Talk about a way to go on a diet. Not that I can't stand to drop more pounds. I'm down 12 since January, on the regime we're following: (Atkins shakes for...
How I cooked 3 complete dinners in 45 minutes.
Not servings. Dinners. Dinner a, lovingly prepared---elaborate cheeseburgers. The ground beef was slightly 'off'---too long in the fridge. I gathered up both plates and tossed both. Then the fast route: taco chicken packet with a side of riced cauliflower and...
Passing of Stephen Hawking
At 21, given a few years to live. He made it to mid-70's and changed the way we look at the universe.
Same deal — I’m giving new applications a few days to write me any sort of a letter (instructions abound, below this post)
Then I deny, and the bot will give you a rejection letter. Even so, it's not too late. You can answer it and ask to be accepted and I'll fish you out of the pile. But I need some sort of a letter proving you're not selling real estate in Vladivostok.
We’re getting our carpenter back! [long story]
Basically a serious bout of flu and an ice storm. He's had his hands full. But he'll be back Thursday, and we can start the final run of this remodel!
No one has noticed.
Map woes….
The new Foreigner book which I am finishing is going to need maps---because we refer to places and we move. There's a lot of old history raked up. And more recent troubles. So I am trying to work with the maps. One of the problems is scale. The maps have to be to be...
Well, I have done the deed: ‘membership denied’ letters have gone. BUT—
---if you receive one and are a real person who thought you'd applied for membership, just write to me: go to the splash page for my address up in the blue line, got it? And write to me saying "I am not a robot" and I can fish your application right out of the 'denied...
Applications for membership lacking the second requirement will be tossed out next week.
The second requirement? Read the righthand sidebar. I'm going to give everybody the rest of the week to get me that letter. My addy is reachable on that blue header that has several clickables like About Me and Contact. After that every new applicant will have a week...
low earth orbit, geosynchronous orbit, and shuttle to station timetable…
There's a knotty question I never got into with Foreigner, and there's a reason I've always had a time-gap inside the shuttle flights...because while Mother Earth and her satellites behave in a totally sensible way, the ways in which we get to orbit are varied and in...
Chapter One of the Human Archive is in orbit…
Falcon Heavy carried more than a Tesla
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