Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Remember Smokecon? The skies are like that. We’re getting smoke from everywhere…
We have also started the kitchen remodel, our living room is full of all the kitchen stuff, and our carpenter is stuck in a massive traffic jam on I-90, with a lot of sirens. Someone is having a much worse morning, so let us be sorry for that person and just keep...
We are back from Bubonicon…and the eclipse.
I came back with the convention cold, so I have been using up Kleenex and sleeping a lot; and then Norton pitched a fit and wanted to be reinstalled. So after Jane bravely battled Norton to a standstill, I have my computer back. I'm still a bit under the weather, but...
Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit…
We are going to manage to catch this. There are a number of programs on streaming tv regarding new finds of terra cotta courtiers, etc. Interesting stuff! Look up: Xian tombs.
ancestry.com is having a pretty good sale on its dna tests…
ends Aug 15. The typical ancestry.com test is autosomal, looking at a number of areas. Helps if you can build even a rudimentary tree, which would entail a membership (you can choose several levels of access, starting with US-only for US residents.)
News: Emergence is going to come out in January instead of April.
Just got the news from Betsy.
Oh joy! oh rapture! It’s the first day of August and smoke is coming in…
Wildfires are ablaze...a seasonal affliction. And a wind shift is going to bring us the smoke. Those of you at the Spokane Worldcon may remember the Bloody Sun and the fact you couldn't find Mt. Spokane or its neighbors...or see the building down the street. That's...
Jane is in final pass on Alliance Rising.
We're real close to sending it in. I think we've got a really good story.
Progress on the kitchen remodel
We found a carpenter, we have ordered the floor. Empire slate It is grey and a fairly darkish grey with rusty bits. Really rotten picture. Cabinets resemble redwood. Appliances are graphite grey. Countertop will be black. Thinking about a copper-tone sink and faucet....
Rebuilding the marine tank
My main pump stalled---Iwaki pumps decouple when otherwise they might burn out due to a stall: they continue to run (they're noisy as all getout...) but are pumping nothing. So no oxygen is getting to the dt (display tank). The skimmer (producer of bubbles, injector...
Sweet cardamom chicken
Cardamom Chicken 1 large boneless uncooked chicken breast sliced and diced. 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon turmeric salt and black pepper to taste ½ tsp red chili flake ½ tsp cumin seed or ground cumin 1...
Rare opportunity: total eclipse of the sun Aug 21.
Even tiny motels in the path of the eclipse are getting swamped. If you want to go see it, you need to find a long-range weather assurance of some kind for 'likely clear skies and go there, but if you do not act soon, you may not have lodging. Just sayin'. This is a...
Some new pix
An azalea this spring: lilies, through the protective netting [baby fishes] Sanzo and Maddy And the best shot I could get of Goku and, possibly, Ari. As a new pond, freshly poured this spring, we do still have a bit of an algae issue, but it's improving. The fishes...
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