Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore

It’s a work in progress but everything should work now


ANNOUNCEMENT — WE have a book.

Jane finished her work on Alliance Unbound last week. I finished my second runthrough today. Tomorrow we will sit own to go over it with a fine-tooth comb and fix all the notes and ticks and punctuation. By the end of the week, we should be mailing it off, or...

14,000 words in, with several revisions….

...I've hit my stride now. I'm well launched and feeling...I can't describe how good. It's like nearly drowning and remembering how to swim. My writing skill has waked up and is fully functioning after two years of chemo and recovery, and it feels good, like...

All right, Wavy Navy! I have a bit of research—-

Did I ever mention the name of the head guy on the Isle of Jorida? It's one of those things I meant to do and now am not sure whether I did, and now have lost the note I made of his name. Right now I m working on the next Bren book while Jane makes another pass...

Beginning to get out more…an announcement.

Coming to grips with chemo and change... I’ve decided to go with the Gandalf look. I had reconciled myself to the Yul Brynner or Zhaan look, but I didn’t lose the hair with chemo. It just went snow-white and brittle. It’s not bad, now that I’m not trying to be Cher....

Happy Halloween—

Haven't got much decor up this year---and the pix thing is still bollixed, so it wouldn't help anyway. The church across the street is putting on a Trunk or Treat event in their parking lot tonight---we may stroll over and have a look. This is where you decorate your...

Where do you get your ideas?

ust as a 'where I got my ideas' note....What really inspired Faded Sun was twofold: during my teens my family did a lot of vacationing in or near the SW deserts and most importantly, I had had a disaster of an early try at a marine fish tank. The thing sat dried out...


Our Giant Sequoia bonsai. Because we're a little crazy. Can grow a quarter inch a night. The wire corrects a sudden lurch sideways at an angle. It has more than doubled its height since we got it, but for some reason it decided to leave its natural 'leader' and grow a...

I’ll try to post more pictures.

That wall at the end is new: it hides a small closet for mixer, toaster, bowls, Dustbuster, and other counter-sitters as well as brooms and cleaning supplies. And our aim is to get the dining nook behind it clear of 'stuff' so that it all looks pretty.

Eye surgery—success.

Implanted lenses had gotten a haze due to cells (unwanted ones) overgrowing the 'capsule' in which the lens sits. So I got the first one treated (laser) Tuesday and was fairly well wiped---not the surgery, which consists of staring into a test-like device and being...

Second knee shot…

Not quite as painfree or instant as the first, but I think they used a larger dose---they waited 20 minutes instead of 5 on the lidocaine taking effect, and I think there was a reason. The raised swelling on the knee was pronounced and remained so for the next half...


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