Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore

It’s a work in progress but everything should work now


Desperation cooking…

I started to drive myself to the store. And lo, somebody left some door open on the Prius, their one Achilles heel. It's hot, it's nasty, I'm not about to tackle the problem in the heat: we have to call AAA to get the jump. So...do it tomorrow. In the morning. I...

The little fishes wouldn’t come out of cover…so…

We went back to the store and bought a 6"er. You could almost hear little fishie voices exclaiming "Nee-san!" in great relief. Now we have five little noses lined up under the pump shelter. But big brother comes out to eat, and the little ones are coming out too. We...

Pond report

We did lose 2 of the little fishes---they're very small, and at this stage of life, fragile. Two kohaku (orange spots on white) didn't make it, what with the crazy weather that's also made the pond murky. I did a drain down of all but 1000 gallons, we are putting in...

Doing better—on average.

The high bloodpressure is dropping back into the pre-hypertensive and the 'normal' range. Which is good. But it's not all that---I was dizzy yesterday. So it's that AND the ears, for which I have an appointment --- in June. Sigh. But I'm feeling a lot better. Jane's...

Seems logical, given a blood pressure incident…

to take a look at salt content. I spent a while yesterday going over our recipes and figuring out, well, yes, we could do better. Discoveries. Your intake should be around 1500 mg a day, up to 2300. Soy sauce is 920 a tablespoon. Wah! I'm going for the green label...

More trivia.

What address does Machigi accord Ilisidi and have they ever met face to face? Has Machigi ever met Tabini? What is the name of the current lord of the Senjin Marid? What is his capital? I'VE FOUND THIS ONE: It's Koperna, and his seaport, a distance away is Lusi'ei....

Well, cipro and coffee do not mix.

The saga: 1. extensive dental work with 5 courses of Clindamycin, which can just trash your defense against aggressive bugs. 2. by Christmas---ear complaints. Ignored, as, well, it's winter. 3. late February--worse ear complaints. Ignored, as, well, I'm real busy. 4....

Yesterday was our anniversary, and unlike last year, we remembered!

We went out for dinner last night at the local pub, which partly catered our wedding 'reception' aka party...and the head bartender, total surprise, bought us the most expensive dessert on the menu, a giant carrot cake slice which is super good... We trashed our diet....

Still battling the dizziness…

But I'm still on the course of meds for ear infection, which I do/did definitively have---took three trips to the doc before somebody actually looked at the problem and said, yep, that's an ear infection. But, oh, well. On the other front, I take thyroid meds for a...


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