Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Look for changes: we now suspect the 'theme' may need to change…
...and this means the look may change and features may disappear to reappear later. 'Theme' governs arrangement and organization, 'plug-ins' may not be compatible, and have to be added piece at a time, so without notice, you may see some disruptions, you may find...
Whoa! Threadbender may have intervened and fixed it! I just got the screen the way it should appear.
Test it, y' all! Post away on anything whatsoever, except politics or religion, no matter how tempted.
we've had some technical issues…
the page locked ME out, and I've finally gotten in. Threadbender, who is our server technical guru, has had to be absent for a few days, so it may take a bit getting fixed. Please bear with us.
And the garage door is screwed again…
Sometimes the opener works and sometimes it doesn't, and that's a real heavy doublewide door. We can raise it. But not safely while standing on ice. So...I canceled my third try at replacing my broken working glasses (I'm using some 10 year old driving glasses...) and...
The garage door is open!
Jane got it. I don't know how, but she got it. Now we have to clear the water-logged snow in the driveway. Freedom is in sight. Meanwhile I used our local grocery's delivery service and was pleasantly surprised. 7.00 flat fee, and I ordered a hundred dollars worth of...
Snowing like mad. Seattle got creamed—unusual for them. We get another load.
And poor Shu, excited perhaps by the storm, took a flying run to the tip top of his over 6' tall cat tree---against the wall and beside the fireplace---only to have the connection for its topmost structure fail on him. Do him credit---he didn't go for the mantel with...
You can’t say our lives are same-old/same-old…
I've been trying to get the Prius in for regular scheduled maintenance since November when the snow came, when I had dental woes, etc. I've known I really need to get my glasses prescription seen to since, well, at least December. Here it is February and I started the...
You can't say our lives are same-old/same-old…
I've been trying to get the Prius in for regular scheduled maintenance since November when the snow came, when I had dental woes, etc. I've known I really need to get my glasses prescription seen to since, well, at least December. Here it is February and I started the...
I’m glad everyone enjoyed the recent post. I have another.
Some people may have noted in the news that using NASA tech, we are now able to read some burned, rolled up scrolls from the House of the Papyri (qv) in Pompeii. It is a preserved library that may give us some ancient works we don't have. Or just grocery notes. We're...
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the recent post. I have another.
Some people may have noted in the news that using NASA tech, we are now able to read some burned, rolled up scrolls from the House of the Papyri (qv) in Pompeii. It is a preserved library that may give us some ancient works we don't have. Or just grocery notes. We're...
From a discussion on where are they? WHO are they?
Thought you might enjoy the content. "WHO ARE THEY? Genomes. They get around on planet Earth. You, dear friend, share fifty percent of your DNA with---yes---a banana. While some folk were offended at the notion we might share genetic heritage with a chimpanzee---we...
Burglar in the night…four-footed.
We're still under a foot of snow here, with more on the way. Last night, abed, I heard a considerable thump in the back yard, and the spooklight had come on. Seishi, our burglar detector, was up at the open window with his neck giraffed to twice its ordinary length......
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