Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Well, the piper must be paid, and diet is at hand…before the holidays hit.
And before Philcon. I've found a recipe for coconut flour naan, and either it's going to be bloody awful, or it's going to help. If there's one sin we both love it's bread---and this recipe actually looks like it MIGHT be good. If it's good, I may be able to convert...
Happy birthday to Jane!
Shu's trying to eat her bouquet of roses. Seishi wants to eat the ribbon. What can I say? The cats are involved.
Books associated with Alliance Rising
We're going to be putting out Finity's End in Closed Circle. And others. I'm going to talk with Betsy about putting out Merchanter's Luck in e- book, too. There is already a book planned to follow Alliance Rising. It happened when we realized we have story left over....
Jane and I are hitting our stride with the book
Jane's done some fast catch-up: one reason for our writing down the history was to pick up the threads of that universe where I'd left them some years back. So now we're actively working. Jane's input is invaluable: she started out in the sciences, as she says,...
Making progress.
We're officially ready to start writing the actual Alliance Rising book, and along with it, we're going to put Finity's End into Closed-Circle. That's a hundred or so years on...some of the same bunch.
We are ok.
Wind gusts to 50, but not the 100 of the forecasts. Our trees can take 40-50, no great worry. Tired this morning. Maybe going to get a nap.
More Win 10 joy.
Apparently Win 10, which our desktop is, does not play nicely on housenets with Win 7...it really doesn't play well with lower levels of Windows, but it doesn't even talk nicely to 7. It wants a user name (which could be, oh, let us see, computer a, computer b, or...
Good news from Lynn—
The hurricane developed a second eye as a second storm out in the Atlantic collapsed, then Matthew wobbled off northward, leaving Lynn's place in good shape. Dodged a real bullet with that one. Apparently the second storm, instead of reinforcing Matthew, siphoned off...
All of you in the path of Matthew, take care: life first, property second.
Jane and I are concerned for our partner Lynn Abbey, who is in an area where the eye could pass, if it deviates. She's battened down and prepared, but this is one heckuva storm. Think supportive thoughts for all.
Garden prowlers…
Twice now I've been awakened between 2-3 am by something in the garden---it's dark out there, I had the window open, it being a nice night in both occasions, and I heard this eerie chitter-chitter-murble from close by my window. Well, Sei was interested, but his tail...
Hurricane Matthew looks to be quite serious…
Hoping any and all of you in the affected zones take care and follow the advisories.
More dental work—really dumb today….
Just a little dim-witted today; way too many deadening shots. Gaah.
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