Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore

It’s a work in progress but everything should work now


And…the rains come.

Meaning another stall in our work, with surgery Monday. I'm not going to get that fish tank moved before then, and after surgery I'll have another month before I should be clear to do heavy lifting, with second surgery scheduled for January 6. After which I STILL...

We’re ok.b

We have a 4x20 area of floor laid, including 3 hours on the first row, which is always a bear!---and I am so sore I may spend the night in this recliner because it hurts less.

We're ok.b

We have a 4x20 area of floor laid, including 3 hours on the first row, which is always a bear!---and I am so sore I may spend the night in this recliner because it hurts less.

Cold, cold, cold.

Headed for 17 tonight. Not sure what we hit during the power-out, but it was 20's-like. Thank goodness this place is insulated. And if you have windows that are a problem during winters or summer sun,...

Bit the bullet and ordered a generator.

The thought of what it would have been had this happened on the tail end of Convergence is pretty persuasive. I turned that book in literally on the deadline, with a lot riding on that date: miss your publishing 'slot' and a whole series can lose out, bigtime....


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