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Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Back on after 7 days, 12 hours with no electricity or hot water.
More later. Nastional news seems to have reported this as a 20,000 household power outage. We were hit with near hurricane force winds (71 mph) and trees went down on the power lines. ours stood, but the news services forgot a zero. It's 200,000 people in Spokane, a...
The pond is shivering this morning…
Strong wind from the east, unusual, on a very cold morning, makes the water surface shiver all up and down. It looks cold out there. The lotus pond had frozen yesterday morning. The large pond will lose heat fast with this wind blowing. We have, several weeks ago,...
Floor leveling 101
I swear there is nothing Jane can't do. In this case, we decided the carpet had to go---allergies. So we took it up. The hardwood floor in Jane's room ---stopped---in favor of plywood about 10' feet in. But not just stopped. The plywood took a 3/4" dip toward the...
3 am wakeup call…
So here I am dozing peacefully with the window open, 3 am, and Sei jumps up and runs to the window, tail bushed. Now Shu, the Night Fury, our fierce black Bengal that no stranger should try to touch, is great at attacking people IN the house, and will defend a hotel...
The absolute kicker? We think we know what it may be.
We hate doing in mice, but we have to defend our stuff in the garage. Jane ordered some flatpack anti-mouse stuff that should have arrived by now. We think it is now mouseproofing the underside of our porch.
What else could possibly go wrong?
The postman left a large padded letter/envelope as well as a box leaning against our porch wall. Put the envelope behind the box. Picking up the box caused the envelope to drop through a crack between our concrete porch and the brickwork, clear to the ground, because...
The server changed stuff, my password got blitzed, but we got it working—and the book—is in!
It is in New York. I do not even want to tell you all that happened trying to get this file to New York, usually a matter of seconds. But it is done, it is in! And we did it! With Jane's suggestions, input, spellchecking, grammar-checking, reading, critiquing,...
It’s finished!
And I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I found myself walking around and around the triangular loop between hall, kitchen and living room, without the least notion what I'm to do now...the concentration's been so absolute, so long, waking to sleeping, that...
It's finished!
And I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I found myself walking around and around the triangular loop between hall, kitchen and living room, without the least notion what I'm to do now...the concentration's been so absolute, so long, waking to sleeping, that...
Now past the 100,000 word mark.
120,000 is a max-size limit. 100,000 puts us within the typical bounds, and I am still going. One scene midway, one to go.
Two scenes to go.
There are.
Closing in on the end of the book…
I've got three scenes to go. It's not going to be the full 120,000 words, but it will be as long as it needs to be. And it is, except those scenes, ready to go.
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