Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
The uu key fell off… just fell off.
I abuse keyboards for a living. I've never had one fold quite as completely. So the guy should have come today---but didn't. Didn't call. Nada. The situation has been 'escalated' in the Dell shop to reach 'management', and I get the feeling that the Spokane repair...
Eye exam yesterday—getting driving glasses.
It's not just 'which line can you read' on the chart. It's being able to resolve items in the far distance quickly and without thought, so that you can devote attention to the speed with which you're closing. Got a little trace of cataract: they've been telling me...
Writer’s Disease: having written so many versions…
..of the same event or fact you can't remember which one went into the final copy. What, please, is the gender and name of Cajeiri's mechieta?
Writer's Disease: having written so many versions…
..of the same event or fact you can't remember which one went into the final copy. What, please, is the gender and name of Cajeiri's mechieta?
8.3 off Chile —watch out, Hawaii, et al.
The lung ailment that followed the fires took its toll on both of us...we're trying to recover. But the air is clearing and colder, which will help the firefighters. Even our local News station and Dish Network have suspended their contract feud to bring the news...
I can report the new lights are installed, and look great.
Yes. They do. And being LED, they're going to last longer than halides (every 6 months) and use a lot less electricity, so they will begin to make a difference on a lot of fronts.
From my working chair, I can always see the pond bubble…
And while Jane and I have been too under the weather to go out and fuss with it, putting food in to bait it, the koi have gone over it. It moves, from hour to hour, mostly along the bridge, and at least once or twice a day one of the koi gets into it just for the heck...
Closed Circle site somewhat screwed by upgrades and …
Jane and I are both under the weather and too tired to fix it yet. Be patient with us.
Well, Jane and I have been down sick since Worldcon…
But by golly, I was determined to get well for my birthday. Which it is. We're celebrating a quiet one, and going out for the free steak you get on birthdays at Swinging Door, and that will do nicely. Feeling well enough today we went out to breakfast at Waffles Plus,...
I think the fish are using the bubble as a taxi…
It goes from one side of the pond to the other and I can't id any current that's moving it. I can't catch them at it, but Ari is not afraid of it, and she could certainly nudge it over.
Officially—we’re both down with sinus infections. But at least the air is much nicer.
I hate sinus infections. I really like breathing. I have a feeling docs all over town are swamped, half a million people in Spokane area and all of them with respiratory distress. On the other hand, there are going to be those who have a lot more need of a doctor's...
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