Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore

It’s a work in progress but everything should work now


All quiet on the home front…

Both of us are suffering from the fires, which are still going on, though not as thick smoke as before, just a general haze. Sore throats, up high, back of the nose. I spent yesterday in bed, rare for me, even if I am sick---I just slept and lay there staring at the...

Major thanks to the people who’ve shown up to help…

Shejicon is now in progress, and very kind attendees have come over and helped us move things, sweep things, weed, toss, and what-not, so that we look respectable over here...When we're on a tight writing schedule, things do get out of hand, because there's just no...

Major thanks to the people who've shown up to help…

Shejicon is now in progress, and very kind attendees have come over and helped us move things, sweep things, weed, toss, and what-not, so that we look respectable over here...When we're on a tight writing schedule, things do get out of hand, because there's just no...

You’ll notice the ‘finished’ graph is growing…

Working. Working. Working. Jane's doing some in-house fixup...tuiting round-to-its---we're both so tired we can't see straight, but writing on this very critical short-schedule book is going extremely well. We may gain a few pounds on the project, as we eat anything...

You'll notice the 'finished' graph is growing…

Working. Working. Working. Jane's doing some in-house fixup...tuiting round-to-its---we're both so tired we can't see straight, but writing on this very critical short-schedule book is going extremely well. We may gain a few pounds on the project, as we eat anything...

Writing my little fingers off.

Jane and I have promised ourselves a pony once we get through with this push. [An American proverb: There has to be a pony underneath all this stable-cleaning.] [Sanitized version.] But progress is happening.


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