Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
New storm door…overdue
We tried fixing it---put a lot of work into it. But the thing just wouldn't hold square. We can haul it into place and lock it, but the effort sometimes requires a lever to push it into place. So...we decided this is a non-fixable. We're getting a nice new door with a...
Well, I tried a fish taco…
Atiliano's, advertising themselves as the best fish tacos in San Diego, showed up in our local shopping center-lette. So being in a rare mood, having just finished book, I decided to give one a try---I took it back to the car to eat, in case it was super-awful: I...
It’s been a slow rain all day—exactly what we need!
This will definitely prevent forest fires! Smoky Bear is smiling.
It's been a slow rain all day—exactly what we need!
This will definitely prevent forest fires! Smoky Bear is smiling.
Coffee in space…. Or—fluids in spaaaace!
space coffee
Why is Roman concrete so durable? We may have a clue.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150709144850.htmnew discovery about Roman Concrete Lake Avernus, the Phlegraean Fields, are something you might remember from history books---or Roman studies: the lake no bird could fly over, the Fields of Fire that figure...
Woke up to rain…finally!
After the nasty heat---we have a nice little shower this morning, enough to make water run in the street. Great relief on several fronts: 26% humidity and 107 degree temperatures are a bad combination with evergreen forests. A nice overcast and slow showers rather...
Opportunity 11 years on the road
Opportunity 11 years
The book is finished!
Now it has to be read for things like hte and wehn...but also for places that really don't make sense. Jane has not seen the ending. We are headed out to gather a bit of garden rock from a place we know---and to read while we drive.
flash copters…
If we happen to be home on the 4th of July, we hike along the street to the houseless hillside on that street that affords a panoramic view of the city---and the downtown fireworks display, which is quite something. We are not alone in this. The police block the...
A few more nasty days…
Then the temperatures go back to the high 80's. The 4th of July is very often the height of heat for the summer here, as August tends to be fire season...I do hope the WOrldcon doesn't get pink skies and the smell of smoke... And we're surviving. We lost the one tree....
We’ve now passed the hot air to Montana…
And it will not top 100 again this week. We're back to more typical 4th of July weather. Casualty, one tree, and several bushes which may not recover. We'll give them til next spring to see if they rebound. Rhodies don't readily replace leaves once lost. But at least...
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