Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
It probably says something about us that we are better about charging our…
...gaming headsets than we are about charging our cell phones. The gaming headsets are a moment of justified and harmless mayhem after a day of getting Bren in trouble... The phone is a device that really should sit on the table and ring only with the pleasant...
The crisis that wasn’t.
We've been procrastinating the pond netting, because, a) the netting roll was locked up and I didn't know where the key was, and b) we're up to our ears in editing and c) it's a big job. So yesterday while Jane was deep in edit, I undertook the run to Petco after cat...
The crisis that wasn't.
We've been procrastinating the pond netting, because, a) the netting roll was locked up and I didn't know where the key was, and b) we're up to our ears in editing and c) it's a big job. So yesterday while Jane was deep in edit, I undertook the run to Petco after cat...
Bloomsday and we did our own walk—up and down the block twice…
This is the day when everybody in Spokane who is NOT doing the Bloomsday run stays well out of the main course, stays home, doesn't go to restaurants, and doesn't go shopping. 😉 Outside of that, it's a gorgeous day, the white peony has blooms all over so huge they...
Worked really hard…and sore…
Job one, writing. Job two, get the pond netting replaced. Well, we got half of it: plants had grown through the mesh, so we had to cut euphorbia (poisonous and allergenic, what a lovely plant, but pretty) with gloves and loppers, clamber around rocks, pull netting out...
Have they found Downbelow?
You may recall that Tau Ceti is Pell's Star, with several planets, including Downbelow.Tau Ceti Planets
A drive to St Regis MT, which has really good huckleberry milkshakes…
And a pretty good restaurant. We're still reading on the road, and being on the road lets us discuss the story and figure things out. This is the way we work. Jane is so much help. Two hours out, two hours back---and we're pretty tired. Brain-tired. Which is a good...
Another road trip. This one to Grand Coulee Dam.
It's quite a construction. I'm from the Great Plains, and was not real sympathetic to the Big Dams. Living up here, I've changed opinions. What I remain sad about is the effect on native peoples and the salmon fisheries closely tied to them. I can say, however, that...
Now. Let’s get back to happier stuff. I like this blog to brighten people’s day…
So, well, realizing we'd become serious couch potatoes, Jane and I have taken to power-walking (tranlation: moving one's tailfeathers, walking as if there were a prize involved) not for blocks and blocks, but on our short street, which has only 4-5 houses. We walk up...
Now. Let's get back to happier stuff. I like this blog to brighten people's day…
So, well, realizing we'd become serious couch potatoes, Jane and I have taken to power-walking (tranlation: moving one's tailfeathers, walking as if there were a prize involved) not for blocks and blocks, but on our short street, which has only 4-5 houses. We walk up...
Familiarize yourself with the Hugo mess before voting.
Apparently a concerted effort gamed the Hugos. Hugo Site Vox Day (cf Vox Dei, Latin for Voice of God) is actually Theodore Beale. Google those names as well as GamerGate, Sad Puppies, Rabid Puppies, Castalia House, and read, before voting for the Hugos, but if you...
Went on a reading drive yesterday—we do this when we need to think about a book
One person drives, one person reads. This amount of concentration on a necessary task keeps our focus at 'reader' level instead of editing---ie, it breaks a writerly obsession with 'what-next' and installs a 'what's actually there' focus. And we try to have a...
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