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Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
Apple tree 1—CJ—-50.
I couldn't find the big loppers, so I took after apple pruning with rose clippers and a Japanese-style pruning saw. I bled a bit --- I have a very bad record with hand-saws: knuckles get in the way---but outside of dripping all over the project, I got all those...
My tasks for spring…
...we're not there yet, but I have an apple tree back there that sorely needs pruning. And I have to do it before it wakes up. That's about a 30 minute job. The koi pond is leaking, which is more than a 30 minute job, but I think I know where our problem is. We don't...
They promised us snow….
WE got a sprinkle of it. Bummer. Wish we'd spread the bounty out a bit. It's been a warm winter. So was the last one. I'm not missing chopping through the snow plow berm with a garden pick, but we could use some snow. The science lads say it's climate instability:...
Got a call from DAW —galleys—…
for Tracker had been transmitted electronically just before the big computer blow-up, and I'd flat forgotten. My e-mail is still wonky: I never know whether something has been sent or not, and sometimes it has and sometimes it perhaps hasn't. At any rate, yesterday I...
More computer craziness…
I refer you to Jane's blog for the full and gruesome details, but suffice it to say that Dell slipped a stitch or two in its ordering, and the new computer is scheduled for delivery Feb 9 instead of Jan 28. On the other hand, we had a good trip, splurged on a...
I finally got a mouse that works…
I've always had a bit of a hand tremor, particularly on the right---and it doesn't bother me shooting bows, guns, throwing darts, fencing, or anything like that...but it's played hob with mousing, including touchpads. My answer has generally been a trackpoint...
For those looking for a bargain on GW2, go to the gw2 site this weekend…
They're selling a new expansion pack and they're offering a huge discount on the software. You need a computer of about 8 meg RAM to run this---4 meg can do it, but you don't see the costumes and things may jerk a bit. You pay ONLY for the game, which is played...
THey’re announcing Windows 10. I’m NOT impressed…
WE all get to wear silly glasses and wave in the air while staring off into imaginary space---just think of the oblivious walkers cellphones have given us. I'm sure that waving invisible objects into view and printing them will improve our computing skills and...
THey're announcing Windows 10. I'm NOT impressed…
WE all get to wear silly glasses and wave in the air while staring off into imaginary space---just think of the oblivious walkers cellphones have given us. I'm sure that waving invisible objects into view and printing them will improve our computing skills and...
It’s back. But guess what?
They completely ignored our letter telling them the mobo and usb board had been replaced less than a week before, replaced those, and shipped it back. It naturally has problems, one of which is that Norton disappeared: they shouldn't have touched that. So I called...
It's back. But guess what?
They completely ignored our letter telling them the mobo and usb board had been replaced less than a week before, replaced those, and shipped it back. It naturally has problems, one of which is that Norton disappeared: they shouldn't have touched that. So I called...
Well, they have found my computer. It was, at 3:05 am, still in the shop…
...but apparently being picked up, in Houston, and entering Fedex's physical possession: these things are so nebulous in description it's like subparticle physics... It is by now probably at the Houston airport, a place I last saw during a hurricane...when...
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