Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore
It’s a work in progress but everything should work now
For the first time, not a single Trick or Treater…
Kinda sad. It was chill, spitting rain. Most of the ones we ever got were little tykes with parents, and the occasional shy batch of early teens. Nada last night. The local churches put on a show for the little ones. Spokane is getting to where adults have taken over...
Got tagged by the damn sciatica again…and guess what?
Cold weather in house, and I switched to last year's muffies. Been doing a water-change in the marine tank, so I'm up and down stairs---in the muffies---over about 3 days. Began having the old pain again, finally so bad I took Advil (which I don't like to take when...
The book is finished!
Edit is done. Ready to send it off to Betsy. 🙂 Yay!
Jane's birthday approacheth…
Our local watering hole gives you a free steak on your birthday, so guess where we're dining come Friday night. 😉 Looking forward to it!
Jane’s birthday approacheth…
Our local watering hole gives you a free steak on your birthday, so guess where we're dining come Friday night. 😉 Looking forward to it!
Darwin-era tech…
I have always been fascinated by weather. One of my earliest favorite gifts was from my maternal uncle, who for no particular reason gave his 7-year-old niece a barometer...plastic body, barometer, thermometer. I was early on aware of the weather. I was a kid in years...
Still editing. After a while, one’s brain hits overload.
It's the details you have to keep. Remembering. Weaving things in. It's like packing a suitcase full of snakes. I'm down to the last quarter of the book. I've made it make sense. I think.
Still editing. After a while, one's brain hits overload.
It's the details you have to keep. Remembering. Weaving things in. It's like packing a suitcase full of snakes. I'm down to the last quarter of the book. I've made it make sense. I think.
The Diet, revisited.
A study that casts some light on why we diet and can't lose weight...and also points up why one rodent is not like another. IE, if you're doing a study, species matters. There's a second study like this one, which points to a hormonal deficiency at birth, while this...
Got the flu shot.
With ebola going on in the news, if I get a fever, I don't want me or a doc to have to stop and wonder if it's 'just the flu'. And I don't want to be sitting in a doctor's waiting room with sick people to get my shot. So I went to the supermarket pharmacy. It's, the...
Jumpstarting a Prius…
A regular car can do it. But Jane's car was dead too, from the time we knocked the trickle charger off the ledge. It gets better. Round one. Triple-A comes out, hooks up, says Jane's battery is iffy, but maybe just needs a charge. We get it going. We drag out the...
some days…
We've had mice before in the detached garage. They made a heckuva mess, ate a mattress... Our cats need exercise. Well, so we need to clean up the mess out there and make it kitty-safe. This turned up the fact the Prius' battery is dead. Mmmm. Well. So we CAN'T leave...
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