Welcome to the new look
Wave Without A Shore

It’s a work in progress but everything should work now


Almost—almost through with the upstairs remodel.

We're getting a proper door on the food pantry (as opposed to the equipment pantry) and we have fairly well finished the finished half of the basement's makeover----the library has shelves, and the craftroom has, well, a lot of boxes it's holding for the OTHER side of...

The New Tank Lights are beautiful but…

A bug in the software is preventing my getting them to turn off and on at the right hour. Right now they come on in midafternoon and run through 3 am. But I have a call in to the manufacturer. and aquarium equipment is one of those things where you do get right to...

My apologies……it’s been a zoo.

Not a bad zoo, but multiple snowfalls, physical therapy which leaves me quite bushed, taxes, and the big marine tank is having a snit, having just gone through blackouts and 2 years of house remodel---my equipment just finally bit the big one. The circulation pump...

Today we quest for the power cord….for the snowblower.

We had about 5" on the ground. We got about 7 last night. And in the construction mess, the power cords have all gone missing. I was able to nurse the snow-blower within 8 feet of the street down the driveway, but that's now a foot of snow PLUS the snow-plow's gifts...

The PT is doing a lot…

Jane and I both have suffered from too much sitting in what should be good work chairs---Jane being worse than I am. So we both found a good sports medicine physical therapist---recommended by our former skating coach, who managed amid it all, to break her ankle. We...

Alliance Rising is shipping now.

As usual, if you wish to discuss plot elements (so as not to be Filed Upon by those who have not read that far) go to the book discussion area and use the * * * spoiler * * * warning with a full page of downward scroll before saying anything....

Have a very happy holiday season!

Jane and I celebrate Christmas, and while this has been a rough year for Jane, there is brightness too. We have made new friends and we are getting the house in order. And a Christmas note on the kitty front: as you know, Jane and I have sis-Lynn's elderly snowshoe...

How Time Flies…

Swamped. Yes. What with the house still under remodel, and the cat situation, and winter coming, and 2 sessions a week in physical therapy (which is working), I just let time get away from me. Writing...did I mention that? Thank you all for hanging in and hanging on....


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