Just sent it to my agent.
Just as I finished the file—the computer seized up.
Thank goodness WordPerfect creates a constant backup, and thank goodness Jane is cool-headed at moments I am freakin’ losing it!
We ran a comparewrite to be sure the changes I’d made got in.
I swear, no book ever is complete without a computer issue. Because Jane and I had been trading the file back and forth over the house net, the program got confused. Learning from this, when we’ve been back and forth with a laptop involved, (the lid shutting sends the program into hibernation on the computer—which affects the other computer’s access to that computer for operations) —I am going to do a cold boot before I start work again.
Just wondering if you’ve considered using a version control system for this stage of book development – something along the lines of this: http://blog.martinfenner.org/2014/08/25/using-microsoft-word-with-git/
Well, we always have a time stamp, and there are only 2 of us, plus our naming conventions…laughably thus:
Folder: visitor: files: visitor1, visitor2, visitor3, vistor3cj, visitor3cjjsf
Folder: visitor/Semisemifinal/visitorsemicj,visitorsemicjjsf, visitorsemicjjsfcj…etc.
Folder: visitor/Semifinal/visitorsemifinalcj, etc.
Folder: visitor/FinalPush/visitorfinalcj,etc
Folder: visitor/FinalPush/Finalfinalcj
Folder: visitor/FinalPush/FINALFINALFINAL/visitorfinalfinalfinalcj., etc…
Folder: visitorpostcrash/visitorcomparisonfinalfinal/finalfinalfinal.
Folder: visitor/Final/visitorfinal…
Translation: my file system is a mess, but at least we have redundancy…
“There are only two of us” LOL.
Redundancy is good.
Thank goodness we’ve progressed from 8.3 filenames!
I hope it made it to the agent in one piece. 🙂 Computers are such a pain.
(rubbing hands in anticipation)
oh – that’s because – I have it on pre-order already! Kindle and hard copy both.
I want it now !!!!!!!
SQUEEEE! I need to check Amazon and see what I can pre-order.
CJ, keep in mind you can modify that setting which causes the computer to go to sleep when you close the lid, if you wish to. For Win7, right click on battery icon in sys tray, choose power options, then look at left side of the window which pops up.
Yes. Lid switches and power management schemes cause all sorts of troubles. Factor in program habits and the modern plethora of uSBs that want to charge while resting and its a wonder they don’t all implode. We’ve also checked where the program wants to put the next file of same type, and how ‘roaming’ got into a computer designation still has me scratching my head. Something is highly peculiar with that. We’re a secure network, but I’m wondering if I established a master folder when I was on the road.
I have The Complete Morgaine Cycle in ebook form on pre-order.
I now have Visitor on pre-order too, ebook form. They show hardbound available to be released the same day. I intend to pre-order it later, closer to the date.
When a pre-order is more long-term, Amazon will send an email after some period to prompt the customer to re-confirm whether he or she wants it still.
I’ve put my order into the cart (with the corn grinder, lol) but haven’t paid yet. I’ll wait till after my holiday. I’ll have to sell quite a handful of soap/chookie blocks/crafts to afford both plus the shipping. 😛
I am eagerly anticipating meeting the Kyo. Will preorder both HB and Kindle versions as soon as they are available. The instant the preorder button is up, I click and start rereading the entire series, just to be ready.