E-Books: CJ Cherryh, Jane S. Fancher, and Lynn Abbey have formed a publishing house.
Our purpose is to get books into the hands of readers, at prices that will keep us alive and readers happy and able to buy more books. Our blogs discuss this. Go there and you'll be up on the latest news.
Buying Regular books
If you're going to order online from Amazon, there's a link above---and since it's my little 'store,' I get a little share of the purchase, so if you have no other regular book source, I will thank you in advance if you use my link above as your gateway to Amazon. A little extra income is always welcome. The books are arranged in order, first, of latest releases, and after those, they're roughly alphabetical.
Here is a listing of my various universes, which may help you find titles and sort out which comes first, though I didn't write them in this order, and you can perfectly well read Downbelow Station before Cyteen, but I would read Cyteen before Regenesis, and Heavy Time before Hellburner.
Autographed physical books...Selina Rosen has a wealth of books for sale, her own Yard Dog Press titles, plus the Ivrel graphics, various of my titles, and of Jane's, plus one of Lynn Abbey's, many of these titles autographed. And a ton of my foreign language titles. If you want one of my books in Spanish, Japanese, or German, you're in luck. Write to Selina. I've signed them---you can buy them. She has many, many titles: just ask her.
E-books of various sorts are out there: some of mine are on Kindle in DRM from Amazon by the link above, and some lately from Penguin.
And if you need us to sign books you already have, just pack them up in an easily returnable package with a return shipping label and adequate postage and mail to any of us: we're slow (we've been known to take 3 months), but we'll get it mailed back. We do recommend you wrap them in plastic inside the package, just in case of rain, sleet, or alien attack. And please query before mailing: if we should happen to be in Timbuktoo, you don't want your precious books sitting in the snow on our front porch. And please, please, please---don't give me something it takes a crane to lift. Stay around 20 lbs---and use a stout, new-ish box: I don't know how many boxes I've received with scarily gaping side-seams. I try to fix 'em, but some end up more tape than box.